Operacion Huellitas

With donations of only 5 thousand Colombian pesos, roughly equivalent to 1 euro, we change the lives of many animals.
If you are in another Country you can donate 5 dollars or 5 euros, which would be equivalent to much more help.

Every month we publish the people who donated and how much each person donated, so we have clear accounts of how much we have saved for each day of sterilizations.

Sterilization day is performed when sufficient funds have been collected for this process.
We photographic and video monitoring of all activity.

The hearts of the people who are in our group are big. That's why many of them donate more than what its mentioned.
You can make your donation whenever you can and as much as you want.

We hope to receive a message from you.
If you want to see more about, you can visit the Facebook Operación Huellitas Alba and enter our internal WhatsApp group.
We need many more people who want to join our project.
Send me a paw